Washington: Ambassador Đurić meets with Congressman Mrvan

14. Dec 2022.
As one of his meetings with members of the Serbian Caucus in the United States Congress, Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to USA Marko Đurić met with Democratic Congressman Frank Mrvan, and handed him a personal letter from President Aleksandar Vučić.

With respect to the current development in the northern part of Serbia’s southern province, Ambassador Đurić conveyed concerns over the more and more frequent and intense violation of basic human rights of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija, and highlighted the importance of the observance of the Brussels Agreement and necessity of creating a Community of Serb Municipalities.

In terms of economic cooperation, Ambassador Đurić informed Congressman Mrvan about Serbia’s newest macroeconomic results, which, in spite of the global crisis, exceeded all expectations, and emphasised that Serbia remained the regional leader n in terms of the number of direct investments.

Noting the considerable success that Serbia was having in the IT sector, as a leading branch of industry, Ambassador Đurić informed Congressman Mrvan of Serbia’s readiness to share its existing knowledge and experience in this field with the State of Indiana.

In view of the fact that a substantial Serbian diaspora lived in Northwest Indiana, Ambassador Đurić and Congressman Mrvan also discussed possibilities of further economic and industrial cooperation and market penetration of Serbian companies in that region.