Tomašević: Serbia makes a significant contribution to global and regional security

25. Jun 2021.
Ambassador Stefan Tomašević participated in the conference "Current challenges of public international law – vision of the diplomatic corps of Romania and the Romanian academic community" organized by the Union of Bilateral Chambers of Commerce from Romania.

In his speech, Ambassador Tomašević referred to the current aspects and challenges facing international public law from the perspective of the Republic of Serbia, which, as he stated, is also important for other UN member states that are committed to respecting the principles set by the UN Charter.

He pointed out that the unilaterally declared independence of the so-called "Kosovo", with the support of some countries, represents a serious blow to the foundations of international law, and that support for secessionism opens up space for further radicalization both in Europe and around the world, and stressed the need to point out the importance of being committed to respecting international law and further resist various pressures.

Tomašević emphasized the importance of Romania's principled support to Serbia in terms of territorial integrity and sovereignty, which defends the institutions of international law, and pointed out that perseverance and steadfastness in that sense are of great importance, as well as resisting constant pressures at the bilateral level and within international forums, and that this is the only way to defend an order that implies law, freedom and justice, values ​​for which our ancestors fought.

The ambassador said that due to the pandemic, there was a restriction of movement and travel, as well as a reduction of bilateral and multilateral activities.

The Ambassador proudly pointed out that the former Yugoslavia, whose successor is the Republic of Serbia, actively participated and contributed to the establishment of the UN and that it was among the first 50 countries signatories to the UN Charter.

He stressed that the Security Council, one of the most important UN bodies, has a primary role in maintaining international peace.

Ambassador Tomašević reminded of the decision to use armed force against FR Yugoslavia in 1999, which was made and executed without the consent of the UN Security Council, which violated not only the sovereign rights of Serbia, but also undermined the UN's authority and seriously endangered its primary peacekeeping function. He pointed out that the use of armed force against FR Yugoslavia created a precedent and space for bypassing and neglecting the UN as a key framework for overcoming disputes and disagreements which could pose a threat to peace.

At the end of his speech, Tomašević said that the Republic of Serbia wants to make a significant contribution to global and regional security, both bilaterally and multilaterally, and that our country supports UN efforts in the field of promotion and preservation of peace and security.

He concluded that our country is firmly committed to continuing to support global efforts in the fight against terrorism and will consistently support and defend the foundations of international law, equally in all similar future circumstances, as before, and that this is the only path to security, prosperity and a bright future for new generations.

The conference was attended by representatives of the diplomatic corps, the academic community and the professional public of Romania, and on that occasion the book International Public Law was promoted, the author of which is the President of the Union of Bilateral Chambers of Commerce of Romania, Prof. Dr. Nasty Vladoiu.