Tokyo: Seminar on economic potential of Serbia

04. Nov 2022.
A seminar organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Japan on the topic of Serbia's economic potentials was held for the members of the Committee for Economic Exchange between Japan and China, within the Association of Small and Medium Enterprises from Osaka and Tokyo.

This seminar was organized in cooperation with Crossroads Makoto from Osaka, a branch of Makoto Investments, an importer of food products from Serbia.

The Minister Counsellor of the Embassy ​​Ivana Golubović-Duboka welcomed the participants of the seminar. She expressed the expectation that, after the seminar, the members of the Board would be motivated to visit Serbia in order to see at first hand the benefits offered to foreign investors in direct contact with competent institutions and potential business partners.

The seminar, which was attended by numerous companies and representatives of the Japan International Cooperation Agency and the International Friendship Exchange Council, was conceived in two segments, with presentations in the Japanese language, led by the Embassy associates Tijana Nagato and Masaaki Tominaga. General information about Serbia, our history, culture, tourism and gastronomy was presented, emphasizing the importance that Serbia attached to celebrating 140 years of friendly relations between our country and Japan.

In the part dedicated to the business environment and economic climate in Serbia, the attendees were handed a brochure that the Embassy prepared in the Japanese language ​​on the occasion of the mentioned jubilee, with a special reference to the successful examples of the present Japanese and other global companies.