Tokyo: Artist Okabe's gift to the Embassy of Serbia

25. Oct 2022.
A solemn ceremony was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Japan to present a painting by the famous Japanese artist Shiryu Okabe on the occasion of 140 years of friendship between Serbia and Japan.

Expressing gratitude for the precious gift, Ambassador Aleksandra Kovač said that artist’s unique expression, embodied in the piece “Paradise of birds”, will adorn the premises of the Embassy and represent a symbol of friendship between the two countries.

In addition to thanking the Sakura Aibidjiku agency, which represents Shiryu Okabe, for their support, she pointed out that we are looking forward to seeing Okabe presented on a special commemorative bottle label of the Aleksandrović winery, dedicated to the anniversary of our friendship, which will be available in Japan in a limited edition through the importer Makoto Investments.

The event was attended by the artist and his family, representatives of the Sakura Aibidjiku agency and the Makoto Investments company, the president of the Serbia-Japan Friendship Society Tadashi Nagai, the vice president of this Society Toshio Tsunozaki, representatives of foundations, companies, and non-governmental sector in the field of culture, gallerists, other artists, and friends of the Embassy.

After the ceremonial presentation of the painting, the guests had the opportunity to enjoy Serbian wine and specialties.