Skopje: Ambassador Jovanović with Director of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism

11. Oct 2022.
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Skopje, Nevena Jovanović, met with Director of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism in North Macedonia, Ljupčo Janevski, with whom she discussed tourism potentials of the two countries as well as the Open Balkan Initiative, which opens unlimited possibilities in this field.

Ambassador Jovanović pointed out at the meeting that the tourism sector is one more bridge connecting our two friendly and close people, and emphasised the importance of affirmation of the common tourism potentials.

Interlocutors confirmed excellent results in this field to date, and particularly within the Open Balkan Initiative, assessing that the Initiative opens possibilities for acting together in third markets.

Director of the Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism Janevski informed Ambassador Jovanović that in the first seven months of 2022, tourists from Serbia visited North Macedonia by 16% more compared to the same period in 2019, and that an even higher influx of tourists from Serbia is expected in the coming year.

At the meeting, it was emphasised that the high level of cooperation in the field of tourism between the two countries is also indicated by increased cooperation within IPA, and it was assessed that this trend will continue in 2023 as well.