Signed Memorandum of Understanding in the area of transportation by internal waterways

09. Sep 2021.
Directors of the Port Governance Agency of the Republic of Serbia and National Company “The Maritime Danube Ports Administration” Galati from Romania signed in Belgrade today the Memorandum of Understanding in the area of transportation by internal waterways.

The signing ceremony was attended by the Minister of Construction, Transportation and Infrastructure, Tomislav Momirović, the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Bucharest, Stefan Tomašević, the Ambassador of Romania in Serbia, Silvia Davidoiu and members of the Serbian and Romanian delegations from port administrations.

The Memorandum of Understanding is formalized and improves the cooperation between port administrations in the Republic of Serbia and Romania, and its goal is to contribute to the increase of port visibility in the Danube basin at the European port map, development of economic activities in their background and integration of ports into international multimodal transportation chains.

Ambassador Tomašević highlighted the importance of signing of the Memorandum for the intensification of the relations between two countries indicating that the Danube was the river of great importance for both parties.

He put a special emphasis on the plan of Serbia, presented by President Aleksandar Vučić, which stipulated significant investments into port infrastructure adding that the Danube cooperation is important because of the development of tourism and that apart from cargo ports, the importance lays in international travel piers in order to attract tourists.

In his addressing, Tomašević concluded that the Memorandum would significantly contribute to the development of the relations between port administrations of two friendly neighboring countries.

Minister Momirović emphasized that Romania was the synonym of friendship with Serbia since it was the country with which there were no open issues, adding that the relations of the two countries had been as such through centuries.

Ambassador Davidoiu said that signing of the Memorandum was a historic moment for the cooperation of the two countries in the area of Danube navigation adding that the Memorandum sets the legal framework for the exchange of information and investments, so it will provide a better flow of goods in both directions.

The Director of the Port Governance Agency, Vuk Perović mentioned the importance of signing of the MoU for further improvement of ports in the Danube region.

After signing of the Memorandum, the first bilateral meeting of the Serbian and Romanian delegation where future activities with regards to the upcoming cooperation was held.