Seoul: Visit by representatives of the Office for IT and eGovernment of the Government of the Republic of Serbia

08. Nov 2022.
Representatives of the Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, who are visiting the Republic of Korea at the invitation of the Korean National Agency for Information Society, visited the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Seoul.

At the meeting with Ambassador Nemanja Grbić they discussed their visit and insights into Korean examples of good practice in the use of artificial intelligence for the improvement of electronic administration services, as well as the use of “cloud” services for public administration bodies, which can also be applied in Serbia.

They stated that they also discussed the work of the State Data Centre in Kragujevac, the opening of a new Serbian-Korean Information Access Centre in Serbia, and other aspects of cooperation with the Republic of Korea, which is one of the global leaders in the field of digitization of administration globally.

Office for Information Technologies and eGovernment of Serbia has strong cooperation with the National Agency for Information Society of the Republic of Korea, at whose invitation representatives of the Office for IT and eGovernment visit Korea each year and learn about new trends in the field of digitization of public administration and discuss cooperation projects in Serbia.