Seoul: Diploma award ceremony for attendees of the learning programme “Young Ambassadors of Serbia”

18. Dec 2022.
The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Seoul held a meeting with Korean university students who took part in the learning programme “Young Ambassadors of Serbia”, awarding them diplomas for their participation in the initiative.

Ambassador of Serbia in Seoul Nemanja Grbić and the Korean students discussed the programme, aimed at presenting Serbia in more details to young Koreans, and gave it a very positive assessment. It was emphasised that it was the first such programme organised by the Embassy with Korean students.

The participants - mostly students of the Department of Serbian Language at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) - emphasised that the programme had enabled them to gain new knowledge about Serbia.

Particular praise was reserved for the activity of Korean students in promoting Serbia on social networks, primarily through the Instagram account oh.serbia, where content in Korean language was regularly posted, in order to bring various aspects of Serbian culture, customs, food and natural beauty to the Korean audience.

Ambassador Grbić announced that, after the graduation of the first generation of “Young Ambassadors of Serbia”, the programme would continue the following year, when its contents would be improved and boosted.