Rome: Marked Armistice Day in the First World War

11. Nov 2022.
Armistice Day in the First World War was solemnly marked by laying a wreath on the memorial plaque in Marino, honouring all Serbian victims, as well as Italian volunteers who joined the Serbian army during the Great War.

The event was attended by representatives of the Embassy of Serbia in Rome, the mayor of Marino with members of the city administration, families of Italian volunteers, as well as elementary school students from Marin.

The families of Italian volunteers Cesare and Ugo Colizza and Arturo Reali, who joined the Serbian army fighting at Babina glava on 20 August 1914, expressed their great satisfaction that Serbia has not forgotten their ancestors who gave their lives fighting for its freedom.

On the occasion of Armistice Day in the First World War, a promotion of the book „Serbian Song“ was held, at which Marino mayor Stefano Cecchi, military envoy of Serbia lieutenant colonel Branimir Marković, Giordano Merlicco from Sapienza University, historian Francesco Leoncini and deputy mayor of Marino Sabrina Minucci gave speeches.

The book „Serbian Song“ was written by the famous Italian writer and composer Giovanni Ermeta Gaeta, inspired by the war exploits of Serbian soldiers on the Salonica front.

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Rome presented a number of books to the city administration of Marino and schools whose students attended the promotion.