Prague: Kir Stefan Srbin choir concert

14. Oct 2022.
The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Prague and the Serbian Association Vidovdan sponsored the concert of the women's choir Kir Stefan Srbin from Smederevo.

The concert was held at the House of National Minorities in Prague, and the program included works by famous Serbian composers Stanislav Binički, Moše Odalović, Vera Horvat and Nikola Grbić.

Public figures from the cultural life of Prague and members of the diplomatic corps were part of the large audience.  

Ambassador Berislav Vekić thanked Milan Ilić, the conductor, and all choir members for the excellent performance and wished them luck and success in their future performances.

The women's choir Kir Stefan Srbin was founded in 1993. They won over 50 music awards and appeared on stages in China, America and Russia.