Paris: Formal reception on the occasion of the publication of the monograph on 180 year-anniversary

11. Dec 2022.
In the residence of the ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in France, a reception was held on the occasion of the publication of the monograph dedicated to the colloquium marking 180 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Serbia and France.

Opening the event, the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to France, Nataša Marić, stated that, apart from the alliance in the First and Second World War, the two nations were connected by numerous cultural, educational and family ties, the strength of which was passed on from generation to generation.

The traditional Serbian-French friendship, despite the trials it went through, survived and today we are witnessing its new rise, emphasised Ambassador Marić.

Serbian friends Jean-Paul Bled, historian, professor emeritus and foreign member of Serbian Academy of Science and Art and Jean-Pierre Schevenman, former minister, senator and deputy, addressed the guests.

The reception was also attended by the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature and foreign member of Serbian Academy of Science and Art Peter Handke, historian and deputy director of Figaro Magazine Jean-Christophe Buisson, deputy director general for political and security affairs of the Ministry of European and Foreign Affairs of France Jonathan Lacote, senator Olivier Cadique, MP Liliana Tangi, former French ambassador to Serbia Jean-Louis Falconi, representatives of the academic community, ambassadors accredited in Paris and representatives of international organisations based in Paris - OECD and La Francophonie, Princess Maria Pia of Savoy and distinguished representatives of the Serbian diaspora.

The published monograph is a collection of presentations by Professor Jean-Paul Bled, a descendant of Marshal d'Eperée, Christian Franchet d'Eperée, Professor Frédéric Lemoille, historian and journalist Jean-Christophe Buisson, distinguished French statesman Jean-Pierre Chevenman, former French ambassador in Belgrade Frédéric Mondoloni and the Ambassador of Serbia in Paris, Nataša Marić given at the colloquium she organised in 2019 to mark the 180th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between France and Serbia.