Luanda: Serbia―Angola Chamber of Commerce established

26. May 2022.
In a move organised by the Angola Area Chamber of Commerce and supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Angola, the Serbia―Angola Chamber of Commerce has been established in Angola.

This association has been established for the purpose of better connectivity between Serbian and Angolan businesspeople and promoting cooperation between the two countries. The event was opened by Angolan Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Amadeu Nunes, and attended by members of the Serbian business community in Angola, Angolan businesspeople, and representatives of the Angola Area Chamber of Commerce and the non-governmental sector.

Secretary of State Nunes welcomed the establishment of the Serbia―Angola Chamber of Commerce, emphasising that it was fully supported by the Government of Angola, as a way to strengthen the economic cooperation between the two countries. He invited Serbian businesspeople to visit Angola and discover the business opportunities it offered.

Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Angola Miloš Perišić wished for success of the newly established Chamber of Commerce. He stated that there were great opportunities for cooperation between Serbia and Angola, and invited businesspeople of both countries to use them to the utmost extent.