London: Promotion of Serbian wines

10. Nov 2022.
The British–Serbian Chamber of Commerce organised a promotion of wines from Serbia held at the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in London.

The event was attended by a large number of representatives of the British business community, interested partners, representatives of the diplomatic corps and diaspora.

Ambassador Aleksandra Joksimović presented the wine industry in Serbia and its potential. She noted that wine was a component of regional cooperation, emphasising the successfully held International Wine Fair in Belgrade, within the Open Balkan regional initiative.

She particularly emphasised the possibilities for a more extensive placement of Serbian wines on the British market. The guests were addressed by Director of the National Tourist Organisation of Serbia Marija Labović, as well as Chairman of the British–Serbian Chamber of Commerce David Landsman.

As the largest importer of Serbian wines in the UK, NIKO Wine Company presented itself at the Embassy.

As part of the promotion, guests had the opportunity to taste the wines of the Aleksić, Doja, Erdevik, Vukoje, Budimir, Deurić and Cilić wineries.