Ljubljana: Armistice Day marked for students of the Supplementary School of the Serbian Language

09. Nov 2022.
Armistice Day in World War I was marked this year in the Parish Home with an open class for all students of the Serbian Language Supplementary School.

The lecturer was first counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Gatalica, author of the novel The Great War.

The students learned why this date was celebrated in Serbia, what Natalie's ramonda was, as well as the number of victims the Serbian people had in the biggest conflict in the history of mankind until that time.

Open class was an opportunity for students to remember the strength of our ancestors who in the most difficult moments found the strength to turn a collective tragedy of the greatest proportions into collective pride and national catharsis.

Gatalica pointed out that the first post-war generation of Serbian writers, including Miloš Crnjanski, Branislav Nušić, Stevan Jakovljević and many others, contributed with their novels to the healing of the Serbian people and the eternal memory of these brightest moments of the Serbian state and people in the twentieth century.

The students and their parents followed the lecture very emotionally and at the end engaged in a lengthy conversation with the lecturer.