Literary evening in Minsk dedicated to the Slavic Literacy and Culture Day

26. May 2021.
Organized by the Belarusian Society of Friendship and Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, the Slavic Literacy and Culture Day was marked in the House of Friendship in Minsk.

On that occasion, a literary evening was organized, attended by the Ambassador of the Republic of Bulgaria, representatives of the embassies of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, famous Belarusian writers, representatives of friendship societies, professors and students of Slavic languages, as well as the charge d'affaires of the Embassy of Serbia, Aleksandar Crevar.

The charge d'affaires Crevar pointed out that the Slavic peoples share a common history and culture, emphasizing that the closeness of the Slavic peoples is most visible through literary works.

Also, Crevar pointed out the closeness of the Slavic languages, as well as the historical contribution of the Slavic educators Cyril and Methodius, the creators of the Slavic alphabet, which left its mark in all Slavic cultures.

In Serbian language, Crevar presented the work "Thirst", by writer, Nobel laureate and diplomat, Andrić.