Đurić: The new administration will respect the Washington Agreement

23. May 2021.
The new administration of the United States of America accepts the obligations from the Washington Agreement, which was concluded during the mandate of former President Donald Trump, said H.E. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Serbia to the United States of America, Marko Đurić.

Đurić said that it was good news for us, because in that agreement there are a number of elements related to our infrastructure, economy, protection of our churches, and among other things, the verdicts related to the Decani monastery that should be applied.

Đurić pointed out that representing Serbia in the United States is a great responsibility and that spreading the truth and political messages about our country requires adjusting to American narratives and ways of thinking.

In that context, Đurić also revealed that Serbia has not been present in the United States to the extent necessary for decades, given the importance of the decisions made there.

"It is time to change that, and in the last few months we have had very intensive contacts and already 25 meetings with members of Congress", said Đurić, emphasizing that this was happening during the period when Washington was closed due to the pandemic.

Đurić said that we are building a healthy and good Serbian Caucus, that is, the association of members of the American Congress, which are grouped according to common opinion, attitudes and principles.

Đurić pointed out that the state dealt with the diaspora in an organized way until 1991, and now we are in the phase when we are building this from the ashes, from the beginning. In the United States, there is a significant Serbian community present in various industries, we have highly positioned people and we are working on having the smallest common denominator, as well as on building a digital platform for connecting the Serbian diaspora in the United States, Đurić added.

"This is no longer a time when it is enough just to gather over kebabs. Through digital platforms, we should connect for economic cooperation and lobbying, just as other, more developed diasporas do", said Đurić.

Đurić pointed out that we have made good contacts with the Greek, Armenian and other diasporas and that we are learning from them.

Đurić also said that he had seen Serbia being mentioned in the American mainstream media in the breaking news several times, especially in the weeks when we stood out by the number of vaccinated people, and that now our country is "predominantly good news" in the United States.

Đurić explained that this is because we can present Serbia as an example of economic development that has clearly defined vectors of its domestic and foreign policy, and which in seven years has managed to deliver economic transformation and attract the most investors in the region.

"People are wondering why this is so, and we can validly explain to them what our strategy is, why our goal after 30 years of everything that has happened is to connect with other countries in the region, why as an economy that will be in the first three in Europe, we want to give impetus to the whole region and that our vision is a region without borders", added Đurić.

Đurić said that this is a story that is very receptive in Washington, a story that they understand and are ready to support, and that is where our interests coincide.

Đurić emphasized that the United States of America have numerous new priorities for domestic and foreign policy – they want to renew ties with traditional allies, work on the development and the recovery from the pandemic, etc. The issues of the Balkans are discussed at lower levels of administration, and rarely.

Đurić pointed out that this is good because it gives us space to work with people in the Congress.

Asked whether the pressure on Serbia will increase, Đurić answered that he is under the impression that the United States strongly support the role of the European Union in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina and that it will support Lajčák's work, because, in fact, the main actor in that type of talks with their support will be the European Union.

Đurić added that the United States are very interested in continuing the dialogue, emphasizing that Blinken publicly called on Kurti to continue the dialogue in a constructive way, but that Pristina, through antagonism, does not demonstrate readiness for a constructive relationship.

Speaking about the pressure on Greece to recognize the so-called Kosovo, Đurić reminded that one of the key elements of the Washington Agreement is a moratorium on all actions related to the recognition of Kosovo.

"We are in favor of adhering to what was agreed on. President Vučić has built the brand of Serbia as a country that keeps its word", said Đurić, adding that no one should have a dilemma about how Serbia would behave if a serious violation of these obligations would occur.

On the topic of the apology of the President of the Czech Republic, Miloš Zeman, to Serbia for the bombing in 1999, Đurić said that the American media did not pay too much attention to that.

Đurić said that the American focus is not on our part of the world and that there were very few contacts at the highest level, which should not be surprising. However, it is very important for us that Zeman spoke publicly about the character of the events from 20 years ago, because that creates a balance, showing that not only one side is to blame.

Speaking about the potential visit of the President of the United States of America to Serbia, Đurić pointed out that almost every day at his residence in Washington there are events attended by State Department officials and congressmen, and that he does not fail to tell each of them that the last president to visit Serbia was Jimmy Carter.

Đurić said that we are a people who like to entertain and to whom the visit of the President of the United States of America would be a great honor.

Đurić also recalled Joseph Biden's visit to Serbia before he became President of the United States, saying that the atmosphere at the meeting between him and President Vučić was great.