Đurić: Investment potential of Serbia before the federal states of the USA

26. May 2021.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the United States of America, Marko Đurić, spoke via video link with the Assistant Secretary of Commerce of the United States, David De Falk, and the meeting was also attended by the President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, Marko Čadež.

The interlocutors reached an agreement that the chances and opportunities for investing in Serbia will soon be presented in all federal states of the USA, and they also discussed further strengthening of bilateral cooperation between Serbia and the USA, as well as marking 140 years of relations between the two countries.

Đurić told TV Happy that since taking office, he has been talking to numerous statesmen in Washington, trying to ensure that Serbia has an energetic policy in the United States.

"It is good that this year marks the 140th year of relations between the United States and Serbia, as well as the 15th year of cooperation between the Serbian Army and the Ohio National Guard. We use anniversaries to open the doors for meetings and conversations", said Đurić.

As he stated, 196 embassies are fighting for attention in Washington, and the global priorities of American policy are in Southeast Asia, which refer to the issue of climate change, as well as the renewal of ties with traditional allies.

He also points out that in the priorities of Washington, when it comes to high politics, the Balkans are almost not even mentioned.

"That is why I never miss an opportunity to point out at every meeting that the last American president who was in Serbia was Jimmy Katrer in 1980", says Đurić.

Regarding the request of Kosovo representatives to remove monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija from the UNESCO list, Đurić said that Albin Kurti has shown a certain amount of spite in recent weeks, even at the request of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, to approach the dialogue in a constructive way.

He added that Pristina, only a few days after that request, refused to meet with the representatives of Belgrade in Brussels.

Source: Tanjug