Copenhagen: Day of Serbian filmmakers

09. Oct 2021.
Organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Denmark and in cooperation with the prestigious Copenhagen Architecture Festival, three films by famous Serbian directors, Dušan Makavejev and Aleksandar Saša Petrović, were premiered at the Danish Film Institute.

At the request of the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Denmark, Jasmina Mitrović-Marić, to first present the black wave school of filmmaking to the Danish public, the selection was made by Nina Bačun, a designer and architect from Zagreb.

Speaking at the opening of this event, Ambassador Mitrović-Marić pointed out that these films are a testimony of an era and an artistic rebellion against the idealized image of a happy man in social realism.

"Films by Serbian authors from the period of the black wave, as the authorities and its censors called it, are much more and deeper than a testimony, an artistic document of an era. They reached the peaks of artistic value by building a new humanism through film metaphors, a new film poetics, a whole new, great film language. The black wave films by Serbian authors are a European value in culture", the ambassador emphasized.

A special honor was indicated to the day of Serbian filmmakers by the director of one of the most important events in Denmark – the Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Josephine Michau, who addressed the audience, emphasizing that for her and her fellow citizens, the filmmaking of Serbian black wave authors is a real discovery, and that only with these films did she become aware of the huge contribution of Serbian filmmakers to the history of European and world film.

A large number of Danes from the world of culture, the academic community, from universities, but also the film industry, gathered at the reception that preceded the screening, and the ambassador invited them to shoot their films in Serbia.

Photo: Hase Ferald and Robin Abrašević