Charge d'affaires with representatives of the Investment Support Center of Armenia

03. Jun 2021.
Chargé d'affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Yerevan, Tatjana Panajotović Cvetković, met with the representatives of the Investment Support Center of Armenia.

On that occasion, Panajotović Cvetković talked with the Investment Director Aram Vardanyan and the Head of the Investment Promotion and Foreign Relations Department, Alina Yeghiazaryan.

The interlocutors discussed the potentials and ways to improve bilateral relations, and also discussed the development of institutional cooperation, connecting business entities and the organization of joint business forums.

Special attention in the conversation was paid to the areas of agriculture, food safety, as well as the areas of information technology and innovation.

The interlocutors positively assessed the existing conditions for cooperation, the recent opening of the Embassy in Yerevan, visa liberalization, as well as the entry into force of the Free Trade Agreement between Serbia and the EAEU.

The Armenian interlocutors conveyed positive impressions about Serbia's successes in terms of economy and the fight against COVID-19, as well as the efficient reaction during the pandemic.

The Investment Support Center of Armenia was established in 2020 under the Government of the Republic of Armenia.