Bucharest: “Serbian Film Days” in Bucharest

18. Oct 2022.
The festival “Serbian Film Days” was opened on 18 October in the National Museum of the Romanian Peasant.

During this event, which is organised by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia and the Union of Serbs of Romania, Serbian films will be shown in Bucharest for the first time in six years.

“Serbian Film Days” were opened with a projection of the film “King Peter the First”, and the film “Santa Maria Della Salute” is to be shown on 19 October. The last film in this cycle will be “The Name of the People” on 20 October.

At the opening, before the projection of the first of the three films which would be shown to the audience in Bucharest over the following days, attendees were addressed by Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Bucharest Stefan Tomašević, President of the Union of Serbs in Romania and representative of the Serbian minority in the Romanian Parliament Ognjan Krstić, as well as National Museum of the Romanian Peasant Virgil Stefan Nitulescu.

Ambassador Tomašević greeted the attendees, saying how pleased and honoured he was that Serbian films would be again shown in Bucharest after six years, and that such events contributed to the improvement of the cultural cooperation.

He stated that Serbian films were very appreciated in Romania, and that he hoped that audience would enjoy them.

In view of the importance of the event and the interest that the audience had shown on this occasion, Ambassador Tomašević announced that the Embassy and the Union of Serbs of Romania were working together on the preparation of a new Serbian film festival, which is to be held next spring.