Bucharest: Awards presented to Dusan Wilms and Octavia Nedelcu

26. Oct 2022.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Bucharest, Stefan Tomašević, acting as the personal envoy of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, presented Gold Medals for Merit to businessman Dusan Vilms and prof. Dr. Octavia Nedelcu.

Ambassador Tomašević thanked Dusan Wilms for his overall contribution to the preservation of the Serbian national minority and the improvement of economic relations between Serbia and Romania, as well as his willingness to continue such activities.

He especially emphasised Wilms' desire to finance the construction of a new, state-of-the-art Serbian school in Timisoara, which is of immeasurable importance for the survival of the Serbian community and the preservation of the Serbian language and culture in Romania.

Ambassador Tomašević thanked Dr. Octavia Nedelcu, who retired only a few days before, for her outstanding achievements in the field of social sciences and humanities, especially in the affirmation and promotion of the Serbian language and culture in Romania.

In the presence of numerous students and professors of the Department of Serbian Language and Literature, Department of Slavic Languages ​​and Culture, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Bucharest, Ambassador Tomašević presented the award to Professor Nedelcu, wishing her happy retirement. He added that the joint activities of the Embassy and Octavia Nedelcu will not end here, and that everyone is look forward to the upcoming promotion of her translation of short stories by Ivo Andrić, as well as future translations.