Bucharest: Ambassador Tomašević met with the Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration of Romania

12. Oct 2022.
Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Bucharest Stefan Tomašević met with Under-Secretary of State in the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration of Romania Gabriel Gilé with whom he discussed the Interreg IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Romania-Serbia 2021–2027.

The interlocutors pointed out the importance of cross-border cooperation between Serbia and Romania with the aim of upgrading the capacity and infrastructure of local partner institutions which generate the cooperation development at the national level as well.

It was emphasised that the future cycle would include three counties from Romania (Timiș, Caraş-Severin and Mehedinți) and six districts from Serbia (North Banat, Mid Banat, South Banat, Braničevo, Bor and Podunavlje).

It was established that projects in the field of environmental protection, climate change adaptation, health, education, tourism, culture, border management and prevention of natural and ecological disasters would contribute to social and economic development, increased mobility, development of cooperation in the field of energy, strengthening of cultural cooperation and better overall connectivity, which would significantly affect the improvement of bilateral relations between Serbia and Romania.

Under-Secretary of State Gilé pointed out Romania's determination to provide strong support to Serbia on its European path.