Bern: Reception on the occasion of the candidacy of the Post of Serbia as host of the Extraordinary Congress of the Universal Postal Union (UPU)

31. Oct 2022.
Embassy of the Republic of Serbia to Switzerland and the Post of Serbia, as part of the submission of the candidacy of the Republic of Serbia to hold the Extraordinary Congress of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) in 2023 in Belgrade, hosted a formal reception at the headquarters of the Union in Bern.

Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Switzerland, Goran Bradić, Director General of the Universal Postal Union, Masahiko Metoki, and  Acting Director of the Post of Serbia, Zoran Djordjević, addressed the gathering attended by approximately 300 delegates from all over the world.

The speakers presented the candidacy of the Republic of Serbia and reminded that Serbia is one of the founders of the Universal Postal Union, and Belgrade is a city which has long proven itself to be a good host and a very successful organizer of various international gatherings.

Delegates were shown a promotional video on the diversity of Serbian cultural heritage, capacities of the Post of Serbia and landmarks in Belgrade which make our capital an ideal location for organising the Congress.