Bern: Ambassador Bradić at the economic forum

02. Nov 2021.
The Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Bern, Goran Bradić, participated in the economic forum entitled "Let's connect – new mechanisms of cooperation and organization with the economy of Serbia and Srpska".

In his address, Ambassador Bradić pointed out the most important economic parameters and successes in the economic field in Serbia during the last two years, in extremely difficult circumstances due to the global pandemic.

He also reminded of the significant results in the field of digitalization, as well as e-government, which facilitate and reduce the cost of administrative procedures and business operations of companies, and called on our entrepreneurs to present their partners in German-speaking countries the good business climate in Serbia, the comparative advantages in relation to other countries in the region, as well as excellent economic agreements and political relations with various groups and countries of the world.

He pointed out the data of Swiss institutions showing that before the outbreak of the pandemic, about 400 million francs flowed into Serbia from that country by remittances a year, not counting informal channels for sending money, and that Switzerland is right behind Germany according to that parameter and ahead of neighboring Austria, which represents a significant income for the country.

The forum was dedicated to considering the possibilities for even more efficient cooperation of entrepreneurs from the diaspora with business entities in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska.

The forum was attended by about 50 businessmen, primarily from Switzerland, but also neighboring Austria and Germany, representatives of PKS, RAS, the Chamber of Commerce of the Republic of Srpska, B&H Ambassador to Switzerland, Boro Bronza, as well as two Dutch food producers, Tasos International B.V. and HK Group, interested in investing in Serbia.

The meeting was held with the support of the Ministry of European Integration of Serbia, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and the International Center for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), as well as in cooperation with the Serbian Development Agency, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the NGO "Link Up Serbia!" in Brunnen and in the Canton of Schwyz.