Ambassador Djuric meets with Director of the Ohio Development Services Agency
To this end, Ambassador Djuric invited Director Mihalik to pay a visit to Serbia as a head of Ohio business delegation, on which occasion a formal Memorandum signing ceremony would be organized.
Furthermore, Ambassador Djuric informed Director Mihalik about the top priorities of Serbia in the economic field as well as the results achieved through the responsible fiscal policy pursued by the Serbian Government, which were reflected in the stable GDP growth, reduction of total public debt and of the unemployment rate.
They also discussed other, mutually beneficial opportunities for economic and technological cooperation through the organization of trade missions and fairs, B2B meetings, economic forums, and other means of connecting institutions and companies from Serbia and Ohio.
The cooperation between the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Ohio Development Services Agency is carried out within the Serbia–Ohio State Partnership Program which has been implemented for as many as 15 years through numerous joint activities of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ohio National Guard.