Djuric confers with Varhelyi: EU membership remains a priority of Serbia's foreign policy

14. May 2024.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Marko Djuric met today with EU Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi.

Minister Djuric stated that full membership of the EU was a strategic commitment and a priority of the foreign policy of the Republic of Serbia, and that the new government would be working on the realization of that goal with renewed energy.

Djuric noted that since 2014, Serbia had opened 22 out of 35 negotiating chapters with the EU and provisionally closed two, and that we hoped to open at least one cluster in the period ahead.

The Minister said that Serbia was committed to cooperation with the EU in the field of foreign and security policy, to the extent that would not be detrimental to the vital national, political and economic interests of our country.

Minister Djuric reiterated that Belgrade was committed to solving the problems in Kosovo and Metohija through dialogue, but also warned about the increasingly difficult situation of the Serbian people in the province.

According to the Minister, Belgrade's readiness for dialogue and implementation of assumed obligations was unquestionable and unequivocal, while, on the other hand, such readiness in Pristina evidently did not exist, which was most apparent when it comes to the issue of the Community of Serb Municipalities.

The interlocutors also exchanged views on migration trends and the challenges faced by the EU and the countries in its environment in this context.